Thought Leader Life 172: Guest Joe Folkman
Leverage your leadership’s strengths with effective feedback that works in the organization. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Joe Folkman (, psychometrician, speaker, president at Zenger Folkman, and best-selling author of “The Extraordinary Leader.” Joe’s extensive work can be seen in research publications such as Forbes, The Harvard Business Review, and The Wall Street Journal’s National Business Employment Weekly.
Joe helps decrease the likelihood of people leaving any organization and to help discover extraordinary leaders. He provides 360-degree feedback assessments, specifically designed for clients, are based on a database of millions of assessments of over 80,000 leaders that can facilitate change and leadership development by focusing on people’s strengths.
To learn more about Joe Folkman, go to To get in touch with him, visit
Here are a couple of AHAmessages from this episode:
- The pain point of many organizations is facilitating development and change using feedback that will produce effective and #ExtraordinaryLeaders. @JoeFolkman
- Many businesses are losing talent because some people are disengaged and frustrated. How do you decrease their likelihood of leaving the organization? @JoeFolkman
- Losing great talent can mean losing profitability and failing customer satisfaction. Do you know where your leaders are and where they’re going?
- CEOs can consider hiring psychometricians and survey research experts to evaluate the leadership pool in their organization and increase people engagement. Do you recognize this need in your business? @JoeFolkman
- Many leaders can be better and good leaders can turn into #ExtraordinaryLeaders. Choose someone with expertise in organizational and leadership management to affect change in your company.
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