
Thought Leader Life 201: Guest Dave Lukas



Embrace your inner misfit with continuous learning in order to thrive and succeed in entrepreneurship and in life. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Dave Lukas (, an entrepreneur, author, investor, and the current vice president and CSO of Grasp Technologies, Inc.

He is the founder and host of “Misfit Entrepreneur,” a weekly podcast giving insights from top entrepreneurs all over the world about their non-traditional methods for achieving success, which Dave uniquely calls their “Inner Misfit,” or the Misfit side. His other specialties are in business leadership, client relations, strategic planning, and project management.

To learn more about Dave Lukas, go to To get in touch with him, visit

Here are a couple of AHAmessages from this episode:

  • The pain point of many entrepreneurs today is not knowing how to deal with the numerous challenges they face on a daily basis that are unique and different for every entrepreneur. #MisfitGenius
  • Many entrepreneurs can benefit from doing things in unorthodox ways to experience breakthroughs in career and life. How relentless are you in your pursuit of knowledge to discover who you are? @PodcastMisfit
  • Entrepreneurs can learn much from digging into what works and what doesn’t and how you can use these experiences to hustle in life. How do you stay on top of your game? #MisfitGenius
  • What trials and tribulations have you been through that you can look back on and say you’ve succeeded? Have a winning mindset and put your #MisfitGenius to use! @PodcastMisfit
  • The day you stop learning can cause you to stop growing. Are you willing to endure the long game to be successful in business and in life? Continue learning to grow! #MisfitGenius

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