
Thought Leader Life 269: Guest Mitzi Perdue

Leverage your high-value property to help win the fight against human trafficking. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Mitzi Perdue (, the founder and chairman of Win This Fight (WTF), an organization whose purpose is to stop human trafficking.

Mitzi enables wealthy donors to convert high-end jewelry or works of art into cash that they can donate to the anti-trafficking organization of their choice. She does this through an auction where the auction house has agreed not to charge a commission.

If you want to #Donate to a charity that you care about but do not have the budget to do so, you should consider reaching out to Mitzi Perdue by visiting her website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • People who want to #Donate to a charity that they care about but do not have the budget to do so, should reach out to Mitzi Perdue. @MitziPerdue
  • Human trafficking is a huge worldwide problem. There are 40M people suffering. You can make a difference by converting your high-value property to cash to #Donate to anti-trafficking orgs. @MitziPerdue
  • Millions of people endure incredible suffering due to human trafficking. The good news is that you can do something to help stop this. You can leverage your high-value property to #Donate to the cause against human trafficking. @MitziPerdue
  • Auctions convert high-value items into cash. Leverage your high-value property through our auctions. We enable you to #Donate the entire amount to the anti-trafficking org of your choice. @MitziPerdue
  • I have done fundraising my whole life and have been involved in many charities. This gives me the credibility to help you leverage your high-value property to #Donate to the anti-trafficking org of your choice.

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