Thought Leader Life 423: Guest Rohit Talwar
Shape a better future for your business in innovative ways through research-based insights and foresight. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Rohit Talwar (, a global futurist, award-winning keynote speaker, author, and CEO of Fast Future. He is an expert in helping clients understand and shape the emerging future.
Rohit Talwar is passionate about creating a very human future by putting people at the center of the agenda. As a professional speaker and consultant, he has guided many companies on keytrends and development ideas that could shape their future in sectors ranging from construction and engineering tohospitality and finance. He is the co-author of seven books on the emerging future and how to navigate it. His latest book “Aftershocks and Opportunities – Scenarios for a Post-Pandemic Future” – published on June 1st brings together 25 future thinkers from around the world to help us explore what life and business might be like after the crisis.
If you’re a CEO or a part of a management team running a division or group and you want to make sure that you are around not only today but also tomorrow, reach out to Rohit Talwar by visiting his website,, or going to his profile at
Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:
- Business leaders who want to ensure that their organization is still around tomorrow and the day after should reach out to Rohit Talwar and learn how it’s done.
- We use a combination of deep research, expert interviews, workshops, and survey work to pull together insights around what might happen in the future. We pull those together into practical ideas and advice and deliver them to clients.
- We provide practical ideas and advice through speeches, executive education, research projects, and consulting to help organizations think through the scenarios that could emerge in our world in the near future.
- Organizations should be preparing now for what the future might hold. Is your company ready for the various changes that may happen within one to five years? Are you flexible enough to respond when that time comes?
- We’ve done over 30,000 hours of research over the last several years. We’ve conducted a deep level of expert interviewing across sectors. This is how we draw insights to create passionate views about the future.
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