
Thought Leader Life 522: Guest George Donald Miller



Being in the right place where you are expected to be while having happiness and satisfaction on what you have. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert George Donald Miller (, an Executive Coach, Life Coach, Mentor, and a Motivational Speaker.

He coaches and trains in social and emotional intelligence, helping small business owners and startups get out of their own way. He is an activator, coaching emerging leaders in a variety of professions and communities. He also works with teams to bring together vision, innovation and character, in the service of sustainability and meaning in business and the marketplace.

If somebody in your network, you heard them say at some time in their life I’m not unhappy or I’m not where I need to be or is there something else in life, you should reach out to George Donald Miller at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • Professionals who are not #Right where they are expected to be should reach out to George Donald Miller by visiting
  • Professionals may be mid level through their career and they are wanting something more. They are unsatisfied with where they’re at and thinking about leaving and they reach out because they’re like, what am I missing here? #Right
  • We will come up with something that helps them move forward from #Right where they’re at, not necessarily jumping to something else.
  • For people who have stayed with their current company, but are way happier in that position. If they have gone on to something else, they’ve done it in a way that’s honoring and respectful of that they have good credibility back. #Right
  • I’m right there in the trenches with the people I’m working with. There’s a level of we’re in it together. That really helps people be with #Right where they’re at and to take advantage of what’s right in front of them.

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