
Thought Leader Life 568: Guest Mauri Schwartz



Ameliorate reputational and financial risks through outplacement programs during layoffs. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Mauri Schwartz (, professional speaker, dynamic executive branding manager, results-based job searching coaching expert, and President and CEO of Career Insiders. She has a rare combination among career consultants – highly technical experience with an MBA education.

Mauri’s strategies enabled laid off workers to get reemployed quickly, making for an easier transition for them and their organization as she works with clients to create outplacement programs. She’s a professional “people person” who knows exactly how to help her clients to be successful in making their next career move.

If you’re interested in mitigating the risk of layoffs by having an outplacement firm support, consider reaching out to Mauri Schwartz by visiting her websites and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

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