
Thought Leader Life 611: Guest Sal Silvester



Optimize and measure leadership programs for a more human workplace. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Sal Silvester (, industry thought leader, innovator, internationally sought-after executive coach and leadership development trainer and facilitator, blogger, speaker, author, and founder and CEO of Coachmetrix. He wrote an Amazon bestseller “Unite! The 4 Mindset Shifts for Senior Leaders,” #1 in Amazon’s Movers & Shakers list “Ignite! The 4 Essential Rules for emerging Leaders,” and a collaboration with Marshall Goldsmith called “Stakeholder Centered Coaching: Maximizing Your Impact as a Coach.”

Sal’s passion and unique leadership perspective is nurtured through his 25 years as an Army officer, a corporate executive, founder of his own consulting firm, and as developer of the Coachmetrix platform where his mission is to make a difference in the coaching and leadership development industry to affect leadership behavioral change.

To learn more how to be real, vulnerable, to create human connections and eradicate shit in the workplace, consider reaching out to Sal Silvester by visiting his websites and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • Leaders who have shit that gets in the way of better business results should reach out to Sal Silvester.
  • My role is to bring #Humanity back into your workplace by building healthy teams, confident leaders, and self-aware executives. @512solutions
  • Organizations can have communication breakdowns and turf wars between people. I can help you 1) focus on the right things, and 2) create a healthy dynamic, so you can have the conversations that matter most for your business. #Humanity
  • I can teach you how to navigate complex relationships with your peers, understand the impact of your actions and decisions on company culture, and expand your capacity to think and act strategically. #Humanity @512solutions
  • With my guidance, I can show you how to measure proof on change and personal growth in your organization that fundamentally affects team excellence and productivity. #Humanity @512solutions

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