Thought Leader Life 632: Guest Mikki Williams
Blarney your audience through powerful speech. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Mikki Williams, ( a global celebrity speaker, transformational storyteller and executive speech coach.
Mikki Williams is a Hall of Fame keynote speaker, TED speaker, and the Vistage Master Chair. She is passionate about sharing her immense wealth of knowledge on the art, heart and business of both speaking and storytelling.
If you’re not actually motivating and achieving the results you really need to, because as it turns out, you’re talking instead of actually speaking, you ought to reach out to Mikki Williams through and
Here are several AHA messages from this episode:
- Executives think they know how to speak when all they really know how to do is talk! If you are struggling with this nuisance, Mikki Williams can come to your aid. She molds leaders and influencers to speak to the nines. #speech @mikkiwilliams
- My audience, it’s literally everyone and I help people save them, save audiences from boring presentations and death by PowerPoint! #speech @mikkiwilliams
- I believe that part of my credibility comes from my duration… And that’s 33 years as a professional speaker. #speech @mikkiwilliams
- I take pride in being in the Hall of Fame. I have delivered speeches at the White House. I do TED Talk. But only the 1% can achieve that! #speech @mikkiwilliams
- In 1994, right after the historic apartheid in South Africa, I was honored to speak on the Great Lawn of Nelson Mandela’s home. It was one of the highlights of my career! #speech @mikkiwilliams
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