Thought Leader Life 643: Guest Hema Vyas
Enrich your lives through heart-based wisdom. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Hema Vyas (, a psychologist, life leadership mentor, virtual and live keynote speaker, workshop and retreat leader, and omnipreneur.
Hema Vyas is an esteemed speaker on the disciplines of human consciousness, heart wisdom, spirituality, health, energy medicine and the science of Ayurveda. She helps individuals and organizations connect to their personal growth and build a life towards joy, love, mindfulness, and prosperity.
If you recognize that who you are is not where you want to be, then reach out to Hema Vyas who can help you out. Visit her site at or her LinkedIn profile at
Here are several AHA messages from this episode:
- People who want to bridge where they are and where they want to be should reach out to Hema Vyas. #HeartWisdom @TheHemaVyas
- I help people uncover their hearts, for them to go out using their heart as an incredible GPS system which is guiding them emotionally, energetically, physically and spiritually towards happiness and fulfillment. #HeartWisdom @TheHemaVyas
- I have touched probably thousands in one way or another, because I believe it’s when I touched one person’s life where that kaleidoscope is, one thing changes, everybody’s changing but it’s actually helping people. #HeartWisdom @TheHemaVyas
- It’s for each person to find who they are, by connecting to their own truth within their own hearts. #HeartWisdom @TheHemaVyas
- I would say, I have established myself through my own practice, through my own learning, and through my own growing. #HeartWisdom @TheHemaVyas
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