
Thought Leader Life 272: Guest Susan Fowler

Understand motivation to reach your goals and achieve greater success. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Susan Fowler (, who is the co-founder and senior consulting partner at The Ken Blanchard Companies, Out of the Box Learning Inc., and Leadership Legacies LLC.

Susan is widely known as one of the foremost experts on motivation and personal empowerment. She is passionate about helping managers and individuals gain a better understanding of motivation and how to effectively use it to reach their goals and achieve greater success.

If your team wants to reach out for a goal but doesn’t feel motivated enough to do so, consider reaching out to Susan Fowler by visiting her website at and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • Managers who are frustrated in trying to motivate their people should look at the work of Susan Fowler. #Motivation @FowlerSusann
  • If you’re trying to motivate your people, do you know what pushes them to move forward and do better? Do you understand what motivates them? You need to know that before you can boost their productivity. #Motivation @FowlerSusann
  • After finding out what motivates people, managers and individuals can benefit from creating a motivating environment where everyone is driven to achieve their goals. #Motivation @FowlerSusann
  • Shifting people’s #Motivation can help them achieve their goals, stop a habit, and live the dream they have always thought of living. Once you understand what motivates people, you can always help them do better. @FowlerSusann
  • Understanding what motivates people is the core foundation of #Motivation. You can’t motivate them effectively if you don’t know what to do and exactly how to do it. @FowlerSusann

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