
Thought Leader Life 430: Guest Jeff Barnes



Yield high returns and invest for success through entrepreneurial leadership. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Jeff Barnes (, an investor and business advisor. As the CEO of Angels Investors Network, he helps entrepreneurs raise the capital they need to scale their businesses and lends a hand to investors who needs support to generate massive returns.

Jeff is passionate about progress and getting businesses started or funded. With his vast understanding of technology and innovation, he has the ability to pull together a team that will grow and move forward. Since 1997, he has been instrumental in leading entrepreneurs and investors to success through Angel Investing, where they have proven processes and methods that are effective in finding better deals and winning opportunities.

If you are considering investing or have invested and are figuring out the best way to position yourself for success, reach out to Jeff Barnes by visiting his website at or going to his profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • Entrepreneurs struggling to understand why people don’t invest in them and they can’t realize their dreams, despite having a great idea, service, or product, should reach out to Jeff Barnes.
  • We bring on incredible companies and entrepreneurs with great ideas that will impact the world on a global scale. They’ll be serving millions and millions of people.
  • What we do is put companies and entrepreneurs through a process and a program where we teach them how to take an idea, whatever’s in their thoughts, and turn it into an investable business that will generate wealth.
  • We have everything from online virtual training and education systems to virtual coaching, live events, publications, and services for entrepreneurs who have taken off.
  • I started my career in the US Navy. I’ve written a couple of books on the subject of using military principles to grow and build businesses, as well as self-directed investing and financial planning.

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