
Why Email Marketing Is Still Alive

The focus for this month is on email marketing and how to efficiently and effectively use it to build a brand and success. Mitchell Levy, Chief Instigator of Ahas on the Aha Amplifier (, is joined by Paula Chiocchi, founder and B2B Email Marketing Diva at Outward Media,Inc., or OMI ( An expert in providing B2B and B2C direct marketing data, dozens of Fortune 2000 companies turn to her expertise. The discussions will be about ways to connect with customers, sharing views whether email marketing is dead, and how it can help with businesses.

Paula Chiocchi

In Episode #85, Mitchell officially introduces his co-host for the month, #ThoughtLeader Paula Chiocchi (@outwardmediainc). Paula believes that email marketing is not dead. She adds that for every $1 spent on email marketing, you get a return of $44, which is a reason to convince skeptics. Email marketing has many advantages and successful results compared with direct mail. Email marketing equates to a wider market, more efficiency, and a higher ROI.

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Linda West

Rachel Rosin

In Episode #86,Mitchell and Paula welcome Linda West (@misslindawest) and Rachel Rosin (@rosin_rachel) from Act-On software ( The discussion continues on the facets of email marketing and how marketers can best use this channel for success. According to Rachel and Linda, email marketing has evolved: there is change in the techniques and difference in the measurement for success. Click-through rates are more important than open rates. They both share best practices and a number of techniques in using email marketing to engage customers. The customers need to know how it relates to what they do and how they are thought of when you’re developing content.

The blog with embedded audio and video:

Liz Miller

In Episode #87, #ThoughtLeader Liz Miller, SVP Marketing at CMO Council (, shares with Mitchell and Paula the effectiveness of email marketing in drawing successful customer engagement that leads to high conversion rates. She relates how at CMO Council, they look at channels using a new lens: looking at the content of email instead of the channel of email. This is a conversation worth watching or listening to.

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Brian Carroll

In Episode #88, Mitchell and Paula have an interesting conversation with Brian Carroll, Chief Evangelist and Executive Director at MECLABS Sciences Group (, on how to understand email marketing as a profitable channel. Brian says that email is used as a way to nurture people and relationships. Marketers must understand the customer logic. He emphasizes that in email marketing, testing and segmentation are important. Brian maintains that email is very much alive and marketers should know how to support engagement and conversation among human beings.

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Kneko Burney

In the last episode (#89), #ThoughtLeader Kneko Burney, founder and CEO at Change3 Enterprises (, shares insights with Mitchell and Paula on B2B customer engagement and the reason behind less is more in B2B marketing. Paula adds that the preferred channel for B2B is email. Kneko notes that the message must resonate with the customers. Paula says that the best strategy to get more engagement and higher conversation rates is person-to-person communication.

The blog with embedded audio and video:

Look into these five episodes to discover the reasons why email marketing is not dead and how to use it to build a business success.

Join us every Saturday at 11 am PT / 2 pm ET / 7 pm GMT at

thought leadership interviews

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