
Mark Amtower thought leader

Thought Leader Life 018: Mark Amtower

by Michael J Procopio

Mark Amtower thought leaderMark Amtower, known as the “Godfather of Government Marketing”, was our guest this week.

In this episode, Mitchell and Michael hang out with thought leader Mark Amtower (@amtower). Backed by 30 years unparalleled experience in the field of government marketing, Mark is recognized as the “Godfather of Government Marketing” and is an award-winning consultant on matters regarding Business-to-Government (B2G), #thoughtleadership and #LinkedIn. The 30-minute interview focuses on the elements, methodologies and platforms for thought leadership but also touches on other interesting subjects, including politics and engaging the federal market.

Calling himself a “marketing fool”, Mark says that as a thought leader, he had put himself to task of really understanding and studying his niche, started writing and speaking, and then brought all the information and other people’s information through multiple venues. He stressed the importance of feedback as it helps you grow. In engaging your future advocates and advocates, you need to add legitimate value to any conversation regardless of the thought. A straightforward tip he shares to aspiring thought leaders is to never take cheap shots at people with negative or off-topic comments, especially in public. Mark finds the thought leadership funnel ( as a very accurate representation of the processes, elements and methodologies every thought leader needs to understand, but adds that it must be visually represented as a continuum and not an in-out situation. Among the platforms Mark has maximized over the years to sustain his thought leadership includes writing books (“my greatest business card”) and engaging on Linkedin (“my favorite playground).

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, subscribe to the channel:

Here are a couple of aha moments from the episode. See more in the “Aha Moments from Thought Leader Life” books available in the THiNKaha App

  •  Be content about being visible and adding value. If you do that consistently over time, thought leadership can occur. @amtower
  • Thought leadership is not just a job but a lifestyle. It is being open, honest, trustworthy, making true friends you can share an adventure with. @happyabout
  • Win apostles, not just advocates. History shows if you have a couple of apostles, you can do extraordinary things. @amtower
  • Don’t take offense at negative feedback. It helps you grow. @amtower

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