
Thought Leader Life 252: Guest Nettie Owens

Successfully balancing business and family. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Nettie Owens (, founder at Sappari Solutions, LLC, and creator of Momentum Accountability.

Nettie conducts strategy and productivity sessions for parent-entrepreneurs balancing business and family. She is a Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization, a business consultant, a speaker, and a writer. She is a nationally recognized organizing, accountability, and productivity expert. Nettie is committed to helping her clients leverage their business while enjoying the freedom they desire.

If you are a parent-entrepreneur and want to figure out how to focus on the work you do while balancing your time between family and business, consider reaching out to Nettie Owens at or

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • Busy parent-entrepreneurs who are struggling to balance growing their business and family should look at Nettie Owens’ work. #TimeManagement @SappariSolution
  • If you want to efficiently manage your time between business and family, do you know what’s working out well for you? How about what isn’t? You need to figure these out so you can manage your resources well. #TimeManagement @SappariSolution
  • After figuring out what works well and what doesn’t for you, then you will be able to determine the next right step for growing your business. #TimeManagement @SappariSolution
  • I look at all the areas that basically play into a sustainable business over time. I look at where you’re great, and find ways to systematize and help you be effective in those spots where you’re not. #TimeManagement @SappariSolution
  • I help busy parent-entrepreneurs become more productive at work, while making sure they still have the time and energy for themselves and their family, not compromising their #TimeManagement @SappariSolution

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