
Thought Leader Life 315: Guest Kiesha King-Brown

Grow your retail business through competency-based and business-focused strategies. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Kiesha King-Brown (, the founder of Differentiated Leadership Consulting.

Kiesha is a contract and independent consultant specializing in business and profitability, leadership development, human resources strategy, and DISC. She has over 13 years of executive leadership experience, including several years as an HR professional. Kiesha is passionate about helping leaders grow and develop their retail careers or businesses.

If you are a retail leader who is stuck in your development or career, consider reaching out to Kiesha King-Brown by visiting her website,, and going to

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

  • #Retail Leaders who are stuck in their development or career should reach out to Kiesha King-Brown. @KieshaKingBrown
  • #Retail leaders sometimes reach a point where they seem unable to move forward with their business. The problem could be in their mindset. An entrepreneurial mindset is necessary to grow your business and people. @KieshaKingBrown
  • If your #Retail business or career is stuck, you may need to take a look at your strategy. I can partner with you to create an individualized, competency-based, and business-focused strategy to help you move forward. @KieshaKingBrown
  • Do you understand what drives your business profits and expenses? Good financial acumen is necessary for your #Retail business. I can work with you to develop your financial accuracy and strategy. @KieshaKingBrown
  • Having 20 years of retail leadership experience at the multi-unit level and 1,600 employees under her leadership, @KieshaKingBrown is someone you can count on to help you grow your retail business.

To learn more about Thought Leadership and how it can help you be successful, visit: