
Thought Leader Life 447: Guest Virgilia Virjoghe



Expand your audience and increase your revenue with consumer-centric strategies. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Virgilia Virjorghe (, Brand Strategy & Marketing Consultant, Media Contributor, and Author.

Virgilia is a quadrilingual multi-channel strategist who pioneers a holistic lifestyle marketing approach via consumer-centric strategies and revenue-generating partnerships focused on Beauty, Wellness and Medical field integrated with Technology and Media. She is a revolutionary strategist and brand expert who understands people’s connections and aligns a team’s interest with a clear objective.

If you have the right brand strategy, but somehow, the consuming public doesn’t have a clue because there’s a disconnect with how you use the platform, you may consider reaching out to Virgilia Virjorghe by visiting her profile at

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

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