
Thought Leader Life 573: Guest Jeffrey Pelletier



Navigate through “life’s transitions” by discovering your life’s core purpose. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Jeffrey Pelletier (, the Chief Effectiveness Officer of Becoming Great Enterprises, LLC since its inception in 2004.  He carries over 35 years of Human Resource and bottom line management experience.

Jeffrey Pelletier is committed to leadership development, career development coaching, and training. An innovator in fostering people and organizations to fulfill their potential, he helps individuals in organizations navigate through “life’s transitions” by discovering their life’s core purpose.

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

  • Individuals who are in life’s transitions should reach out to Jeffrey Pelletier. #LifesCorePurpose @YOURLCP
  • Some people don’t want the expense and the time spent with a coach. They want to do it alone. So we’ve developed videos to help people apply what they learn in their own life on their own or it can be done with a coach. #LifesCorePurpose @YOURLCP
  • We have a course at Bethel University. It’s been around since 1857 and it’s a huge, huge organization. Our program, Life’s Core Purpose is in the MBA and Master of Strategic Leadership Adult Graduate Program in that school. #LifesCorePurpose @YOURLCP
  • Life’s transitions are the things that when life makes you move, it makes you turn direction. The way that I help people through life’s transitions is to help them develop and understand that they have a constant in them. #LifesCorePurpose @YOURLCP
  • If you’re not learning, you’re dying. If you’re green, you’re growing. #LifesCorePurpose @YOURLCP

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