
Thought Leader Life 592: Guest Josephine Bellaccomo



Ignite engagement for positive change with impact by becoming effective communicators. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Josephine Bellaccomo (, leadership coach, trainer, communications consultant, master facilitator, keynote speaker, author, and founder of Move The Message, a social enterprise where she designs and facilitates high-impact, experiential training and workshops to support NGOs and nonprofits.

Josephine continues to partner with her Fortune 500 clients and empowers people with the tools, clear training, coaching, techniques, and mindset to deliver high impact messages and perform exceptionally. She helps innovators, change makers and professionals at all levels.

If you are afraid of public speaking or have difficulties in communicating at high stakes events and situations, consider reaching out to Josephine Bellaccomo by visiting her websites and

Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:

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