
Thought Leader Life 602: Guest Naveen Lakkur



Inspire innovation by thinking out of the box. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Naveen Lakkur (, the founder and chief innovation coach at Institute of Inspiring Innovation. He is a serial entrepreneur turned innovation coach.

Naveen Lakkur has co-founded several innovative companies within his over 25-year professional career. He is a visionary catalyst that has transformed 250+ ideas into commercial realities.

If you’re a part of the C-suite or have been tasked to help bring the culture of innovation inside your company, it is best to reach out to Naveen Lakkur by visiting and

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

  • Enterprises that need a robust corporate culture for innovation should reach out to Naveen Lakkur. #InspireInnovation @NaveenLakkur
  • Along with this exposure, there is a lot of learning. As a coach, I’ve understood that I’ve become a better student, so I continue to learn as we go on as a coach. #InspireInnovation @NaveenLakkur
  • I’ve been instrumental as a catalyst for more than 250 ideas to have become commercial realities worldwide and trained and enabled more than 50,000 professionals around the world! #InspireInnovation @NaveenLakkur
  • We have developed the frameworks and methodology and methods to help people think out of the box and understand what it means and generate new ideas. #InspireInnovation @NaveenLakkur
  • If we need to make tomorrow better, we need to learn to build competency today. #InspireInnovation @NaveenLakkur

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