Thought Leader Life 750: Guest Ida Abbott
Preparing law firm executive teams for a new life after retirement. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Ida Abbott ( She is the President of Ida Abbott Consulting. She is also a retirement specialist, legal talent strategist, speaker and an author.
Ida has been in the legal profession as a lawyer and consultant for more than four decades. She was one of the first people to specialize in lawyers’ professional development and retention and in advancing women into leadership. Her practice focuses on the power of mentoring relationships to guide, support and transform professional careers from the beginning of practice through retirement.
If you’re part of the executive team of a law firm and you want to have a dignified retirement process put in place, you should reach out to Ida Abbott by visiting her website at
Here are a couple of AHA messages from this episode:
- Law firms wanting a dignified #Retirement process should reach out to Ida Abbott. @IdaOAbbott
- A lot of times there are issues around retirement that individuals face and firms aren’t really set up to deal with the emotional impact of #Retirement. @IdaOAbbott
- A career doesn’t end with #Retirement. That stage ends, but a new stage, a new career, a new world and life can be waiting for you. @IdaOAbbott
- As my clients get older, they started asking me what happens next and I thought, well, I better find out. #Retirement @IdaOAbbott
- There is a huge need for people to figure out what life could be like for them if they weren’t doing their work and weren’t coming to the office every day. #Retirement @IdaOAbbott
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