
Thought Leader Life 698: Guest Louise Yochee Klein



Gain traction, drive growth, and mobilize support by making courage contagious. This episode features #ThoughtLeader and #Expert Louise Yochee Klein (, an innovation leadership mentor, influence impact pitch coach, and innovation leadership workshop facilitator.

A serial entrepreneur, Louise Yochee Klein started her prestigious career in business in Vancouver, and later on, moved to Philadelphia where she obtained her doctorate in clinical psychology and worked as a clinician for years. Eventually, she became an adjunct professor in the international MBA program of Temple University and has authored three books.

Louise Yochee Klein associated herself with angel investment groups such as Keiretsu Forum in San Francisco, California and Mid Atlantic Bio Angels (MABA) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to get up-to-speed with anything novel and exciting that would pique her curiosity.

She is currently the leadership advisor, global project manager, and principal of Courage Growth Partners, an institute that equips leaders and employees with stupendous courage to get traction, get funded, and get ahead.

If your employees have got courage issues, Louise Yochee Klein can help lift them up. Feel free to drop by her LinkedIn page at or shoot her an email at

Here are several AHA messages from this episode:

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